
Our everyday devices are constantly receiving updates and new features. It can be hard to keep up with all the changes, but that’s where I come in. Below, you’ll find 20 useful tech tricks that can make your life easier and safer.

Before you share any images or videos online, make sure to do a reverse image search to check for deepfakes. Simply open Google, click on Images, and drag and drop the photo to see if it’s authentic.

The National Security Agency recommends powering off and restarting your phone weekly to protect against cyber threats like zero-click exploits and spear phishing attacks.

Be cautious of clothing items from retailers like Shein, as some products may contain toxic chemicals linked to serious health issues. To check if your clothes are safe, drop a bead of water on the fabric – if it doesn’t absorb, consider returning or disposing of the item.

When preparing for a video call, adjust your appearance and lighting beforehand to avoid any embarrassing moments. Use the Camera app on Windows or Photo Booth on Mac to ensure you look your best during the call.

If you’re taking a phone call using Bluetooth in your car, remember that sound can leak easily. Make sure to adjust the volume to avoid any embarrassing moments.

Requesting copies of military honors for your loved ones can be a meaningful gesture. The National Archives website allows you to easily request service records and medals for family members who served in the military.

If you make a mistake while typing a text or email on your iPhone, simply shake the device to undo your last action. This quick trick can be a lifesaver when you’re in a rush.

Consider sharing your Amazon Prime membership with someone you live with to split the cost and enjoy the benefits of the subscription together.

When on hold with customer service, be cautious of what you say as your conversation may be recorded for training purposes. Muting yourself can help protect your privacy during these calls.

Using AI prompts like ChatGPT or Gemini can help break down tasks into more manageable steps, making it easier to tackle complex projects.

For a perfect passport photo, visit Passport Photo Online to ensure your picture meets all the necessary requirements and avoid any rejections during the application process.

Protect sensitive documents on your PC by encrypting them with a password. Both MS Office and Google Docs offer encryption options to keep your files secure.

At loud venues like bars or parties, use the Tunity app to listen to muted TV audio through your earbuds or headphones. This can be handy when you want to watch a program without disturbing others.

Explore hidden games on your iPhone like Quartiles to discover new ways to pass the time and challenge your mind. These games are often included in software updates and can provide hours of entertainment.

Enhance your productivity by sharing specific sections of webpages with others using Google Chrome. Highlight the text, copy the link, and share it to direct recipients to the exact content you want to show them.

Nonprofits and schools can benefit from resources like TechSoup, which offers discounts and free tech services like Microsoft Office and IT support to eligible organizations.

If your medical claim is denied, use tools like the ProPublica free tool to request additional information from your insurance company and appeal the decision.

Adjust your social media settings to enhance security and privacy. Disable automatic trust for devices on Meta platforms and review your blocked list periodically to manage your online interactions effectively.

Don’t forget to close all tabs on your phone’s browser to optimize performance and free up memory. On iPhone, use Safari to close all tabs, while on Android, use voice commands to achieve the same result.

When you encounter unwanted ads on Facebook, hide them by tapping on the three-dot icon in the top right corner of the ad and selecting “Hide Ad” to avoid seeing similar ads in the future.