
Sixty-four individuals were reported missing at sea following a tragic shipwreck off the coast of southern Italy. The United Nations’ agencies confirmed that 11 people were rescued and brought ashore to a town in Calabria. Additionally, another devastating incident occurred where rescue workers discovered 10 bodies of suspected migrants trapped beneath the deck of a wooden boat near Lampedusa island.

The shipwreck that occurred around 125 miles off Calabria involved a boat that had departed from Turkey eight days prior. According to survivors, the boat caught fire and capsized during the journey. The search-and-rescue operation was initiated in response to a distress call from a French boat in the vicinity, as reported by the Italian Coast Guard. The survivors and missing individuals hailed from Iran, Syria, and Iraq, based on information provided by the U.N. agencies.

Upon receiving the distress call, the Italian Maritime Rescue Coordination Center promptly directed two merchant vessels to assist in the rescue efforts. Assets from the European Border and Coast Guard Agency Frontex were also deployed to support the operation. The survivors were safely brought to the port of Roccella Jonica in Calabria, where they received medical attention. Sadly, one of the rescued migrants passed away shortly after being brought ashore.

In a separate shipwreck incident, the crew aboard Resqship’s boat, the Nadir, encountered a distressing scene. They found 61 individuals on a waterlogged wooden boat, with 10 individuals tragically losing their lives in the flooded lower deck. The crew managed to rescue 51 people, including two who were unconscious, from the dire situation.

The recent shipwrecks off the Italian coast highlight the perilous journeys undertaken by migrants seeking refuge and better opportunities. The Mediterranean Sea, despite being a gateway to hope for many, has also been a site of numerous tragedies. The efforts of rescue workers and organizations like Resqship are instrumental in saving lives and providing assistance to those in need.

As the search-and-rescue operations continue in the region, it is crucial to address the root causes of irregular migration and enhance cooperation among nations to prevent such devastating incidents in the future. The human cost of these shipwrecks serves as a stark reminder of the urgent need for comprehensive and sustainable solutions to the ongoing migration challenges faced globally.