
Former President Trump is leading President Biden in a key swing state, Iowa, according to a recent poll. The poll shows Trump with a significant 18-point lead over Biden among likely voters. This is a notable shift in Iowa, which was once a swing state but has moved towards the right over the past decade.

In addition to Trump and Biden, other candidates such as Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a Democrat turned independent, and Libertarian Party candidate Chase Oliver, also received support in the survey. Trump’s lead over Biden has increased from a previous poll conducted earlier this year, indicating a strong showing for the former president in Iowa.

The poll also revealed that President Biden’s approval rating in Iowa is at 28%, with a majority of respondents expressing disapproval of his performance. Biden’s favorable rating is also low, with only 33% of respondents viewing him favorably. In contrast, Trump holds a more favorable rating of 51%-47% in the survey.

The poll surveyed 632 likely voters in Iowa, with a margin of error of plus or minus 3.5 percentage points. Trump has been actively campaigning in Iowa, making several stops in the state over the past year. His strong showing in the poll reflects his popularity among Iowa voters.

Overall, the poll indicates a significant lead for Trump over Biden in Iowa, highlighting the former president’s continued appeal in key battleground states. As the 2024 campaign trail heats up, these poll results could have implications for the upcoming election. Stay tuned for more updates and exclusive interviews on the 2024 campaign at our Fox News Digital election hub.