
Donald J. Trump recently made a surprising announcement regarding his plans for foreign college students in America. In a podcast with Silicon Valley investors who support his 2024 campaign, Trump expressed his intention to grant green cards to all foreign college graduates upon their graduation. This proposal signifies a significant shift from the restrictive immigration policies he implemented during his presidency.

During the podcast, Trump criticized the high levels of immigration as an “invasion of our country,” a sentiment he has expressed on numerous occasions. However, when pressed by an investor to provide more opportunities for importing talented individuals to the United States, Trump agreed and suggested that obtaining a green card should be a part of a college diploma for foreign students, including those graduating from junior colleges.

Interestingly, Trump revealed that he had wanted to implement this policy during his presidency but was unable to do so due to the challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic. The Trump administration used the pandemic as a justification for enacting various immigration restrictions, delaying the implementation of policies like the one Trump proposed for foreign college graduates.

Trump’s proposal aims to address the issue of talented individuals leaving the United States after graduating and achieving success in their home countries. By granting green cards to foreign college graduates, Trump hopes to retain these individuals and foster innovation and entrepreneurship within the country.

This announcement represents a significant departure from Trump’s previous stance on immigration and serves as a direct appeal to wealthy business leaders who are potential donors and supporters of his campaign. Silicon Valley investor David Sacks, who hosted a fundraiser for Trump in San Francisco, raised approximately $12 million for the former president’s campaign, highlighting the support Trump has garnered from influential figures in the tech industry.

Overall, Trump’s proposal to grant green cards to foreign college graduates marks a notable shift in his immigration policy and reflects his efforts to attract support from key stakeholders in the business community. By providing opportunities for talented individuals to remain in the United States, Trump aims to stimulate economic growth and innovation while addressing the challenges posed by restrictive immigration policies.