
Former President Donald J. Trump is facing financial strain as his political action committee (PAC), Save America, is running low on funds to cover his legal bills. According to recent federal election filings, the PAC has less than $4 million left in the bank after taking into account its debt. Trump has been spending nearly $5 million per month on legal expenses, leaving him with just enough cash to cover one month’s worth of bills by the end of May.

Trump has been relying on donor funds through his PAC to cover the overwhelming majority of his legal bills, rather than using his personal fortune. Despite facing multiple criminal indictments and a recent trial in New York where he was found guilty of 34 felony counts, Trump has not tapped into his own money to fund his legal defense. Instead, he has used his PAC to pay for legal expenses related to ongoing criminal and civil cases.

In May, during the Manhattan criminal trial, Trump paid $1.8 million to Todd Blanche’s law firm, who served as his principal lawyer for the trial and is also working on two other federal cases in Florida and Washington D.C. Overall, Trump has spent over $100 million on legal bills since leaving the White House in 2021, with at least 17 firms and companies receiving payments of $1 million or more.

The financial strain on Trump’s PAC comes at a critical time as he continues to face mounting legal challenges while simultaneously running his 2024 presidential campaign. The PAC is expected to receive support from a fund-raising agreement with the Republican Party to replenish its funds and cover future legal expenses.

Despite the financial challenges, Trump remains focused on defending himself in the various legal cases he is involved in, while also actively campaigning for the upcoming presidential election. The situation highlights the significant costs associated with legal battles for high-profile figures like Trump and the complex financial arrangements they may need to navigate to cover those expenses.