
Gov. Kathy Hochul is considering banning masks in New York, and one pro-Israel activist named Lizzy Savetsky is in support of this move. She called out the anti-Semitic agitators who hide behind their hate and face coverings, comparing them to “keyboard warriors” who hide their true identities while spreading hate online.

After the recent attacks on October 7, there has been a surge in anti-Israel protests in cities across the U.S., including New York City. These protests have been seen on college campuses like Columbia and even in the city’s subway system. Most of the protesters wear masks and head scarfs to conceal their identities and show solidarity with Palestinians.

Savetsky believes that these face coverings embolden the wearers to say and do things they wouldn’t have the confidence to do otherwise. She supports the potential ban on masks in the subway system, with exemptions for health, cultural, or religious reasons.

Following a “day of rage for Gaza” on Monday, where agitators entered a subway car and demanded passengers to identify as Zionists, Savetsky expressed her concerns about the growing anti-Israel demonstrations in the city. She emphasized the need to ban face coverings to prevent hate and violence.

Savetsky, who has faced death threats in person and online, believes that when people show their faces and look each other in the eye, it can break down barriers of hate and build understanding. She argues that those who conceal their identities are more likely to spread hate and violence.

The activist draws a parallel between the current situation and the bans placed on the Ku Klux Klan in the mid-20th century, highlighting the importance of revealing one’s identity to prevent hate groups from hiding behind masks.

Savetsky hopes that a ban on masks will reduce the number of anti-Semitic incidents and de-escalate protests in the city. By requiring individuals to show their faces, she believes that there will be less room for hate, threats, and violence to thrive.

In conclusion, the issue of anti-Israel agitators hiding behind masks and spreading hate in New York City is a growing concern. Pro-Israel activist Lizzy Savetsky supports the potential ban on masks to prevent individuals from concealing their identities and inciting violence. She believes that showing one’s face is essential in breaking down barriers of hate and fostering understanding among communities.