
Jesse Watters recently discussed the Democrats’ reaction to their policies potentially backfiring on them, describing it as a ‘full left-wing meltdown’ on his show “Jesse Watters Primetime.” According to historian Victor Davis Hanson, the Democrats are facing a situation similar to the 1980 Carter-esque blowout, leading to a descent into a full left-wing meltdown. The party seems to be losing control over the escalating dementia of Joe Biden and the fear surrounding the possibility of either a President or Vice President Harris.

The Democrats are reportedly in a state of hysteria, which they are trying to mask with deranged fantasies. The collapse of hoaxes such as Russia collusion, the laptop, two impeachments, and five criminal trials have left the Democrats feeling powerless. Their attempts to gain support through measures like student loan bailouts, executive amnesty, and cannabis policies are not yielding the desired results but are instead becoming more repugnant and counterproductive.

Victor Davis Hanson suggests that the Democrats are entering a cycle of denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance, similar to the stages of grief. In the first stage, denial, Democrats are likely to dismiss any claims against them as false or mere hoaxes.

As the election day approaches, it will be interesting to see how the Democrats navigate through these challenges and whether they can regain control over the narrative. The current state of the party and its reactions to recent events highlight the importance of strategic decision-making and effective communication in political campaigns. It remains to be seen how the Democrats will address these issues and whether they can turn the situation around in their favor.