
Your phone is not going to last forever. Just like other products, phones are designed to have a built-in expiration date. This means that after a certain period of time, the manufacturer will no longer offer support for your device. While the hardware might still be functional, the lack of support can make it challenging to use the phone effectively.

Most phones are supported for around three to four years, with some lasting longer and others shorter. For example, Apple iPhones can last between 4 to 8 years, Samsung phones between 3 to 6 years, Google Pixel phones between 3 to 5 years, and Huawei phones between 2 to 4 years. These are just averages, so your phone’s lifespan may vary.

To find out when your phone was manufactured, you can look for the manufacture date on the package or check the “About” section in your phone’s settings. Many manufacturers also encode the manufacturing date within the serial number, which you can decode using sites like SNDeepInfo. In some cases, dialing special codes can reveal manufacturing information.

If you don’t want to go through all these steps, you can visit to find out the end-of-life dates for various devices, including phones. This can help you determine how much longer your phone is expected to be supported.

Using a phone past its end-of-life date can pose several risks. You won’t receive important updates, making your device vulnerable to security threats. Additionally, hackers can exploit security issues in outdated devices to gain unauthorized access to your personal information. Older phones may also experience battery degradation and slower performance when running newer apps and operating systems.

To ensure your phone lasts its entire lifespan, consider the following tips:
– Keep your phone updated to receive the latest features and security updates.
– Replace the battery every couple of years to maintain good performance.
– Use a protective case to prevent damage from accidental drops.
– Take care of the battery by avoiding extreme temperatures.
– Delete unused apps and files to free up storage space and improve performance.

Following these tips can help you maximize your phone’s lifespan and ensure that it continues to function effectively for years to come. Remember to stay informed about tech updates and take proactive steps to maintain your device.