
On July 2, 2024, a conservative group filed a lawsuit against Northwestern University’s law school, alleging that the school’s efforts to increase diversity in faculty hiring violate federal laws prohibiting discrimination based on race and sex. This legal action comes in the wake of the Supreme Court’s decision to strike down affirmative action in college admissions just over a year ago.

The lawsuit, filed in Federal District Court in Chicago, accuses Northwestern of favoring women and people of color over highly qualified white male candidates in the faculty hiring process. The group behind the complaint, known as Faculty, Alumni and Students Opposed to Racial Preferences, claims that the university has engaged in discriminatory practices by sidelining white male candidates and giving preferential treatment to candidates of other races and gender identities.

According to the complaint, Northwestern’s hiring process has been characterized as “a cesspool of corruption and lawlessness,” with left-wing faculty and administrators allegedly flouting federal anti-discrimination laws to advance their own biased agendas. The group argues that women and racial minorities with mediocre records are being chosen over white men with superior credentials, scholarship, and teaching abilities.

Although the representatives of the law school have not yet responded to the lawsuit, the lead lawyer for the plaintiffs, Jonathan F. Mitchell, and Gene P. Hamilton, general counsel of America First Legal Foundation, are spearheading the legal challenge. Mitchell, a former Texas solicitor general, has a history of advocacy for conservative causes, while Hamilton is affiliated with a conservative organization that presents itself as a counterweight to the A.C.L.U.

The lawsuit’s broad scope indicates that the group aims to follow in the footsteps of Students for Fair Admissions, which previously sued universities on behalf of Asian American students who claimed discrimination in college admissions. These legal actions ultimately led to the Supreme Court’s decision to prohibit affirmative action in college admissions.

As this story continues to develop, further updates will be provided. Stay tuned for the latest information on this ongoing legal battle challenging affirmative action in faculty hiring practices at Northwestern University’s law school.