
President Biden and former President Donald J. Trump are set to debate on Thursday night, giving them the chance to discuss their positions on various issues. However, it is important to fact-check their claims on domestic policy to separate fact from fiction.

Both candidates have been critical of each other on the campaign trail, especially when it comes to topics like immigration policy and the economy. Mr. Trump has painted a picture of a lawless country under the Biden administration, while Mr. Biden has criticized Mr. Trump’s stance on abortion rights and the Affordable Care Act.

One of the claims that Mr. Trump made was regarding abortion laws in some states, stating, “It’s hard to believe they have some states passing legislation where you can execute the baby after birth.” This claim is false, as no state has passed such a law allowing for infanticide. While some states have enacted protections for abortion rights, none of these laws permit the execution of a baby after birth.

It is crucial to fact-check the claims made by both candidates to ensure that voters have accurate information to make informed decisions. As the debate approaches, it will be interesting to see how these claims are addressed and whether they hold up to scrutiny.

In addition to abortion laws, the candidates have also sparred over issues like health care, crime, and climate change. These are all critical topics that impact the daily lives of Americans and deserve careful consideration.

As voters prepare to head to the polls, they should take the time to research and fact-check the claims made by the candidates to ensure that they have a clear understanding of where they stand on these important issues. By separating fact from fiction, voters can make decisions that align with their values and priorities.

In conclusion, fact-checking the claims made by presidential candidates is essential to ensure that voters have accurate information. As the debate approaches, it will be interesting to see how these claims are addressed and whether they hold up to scrutiny. By staying informed and fact-checking claims, voters can make decisions that reflect their values and priorities.