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Advancements in Cell Engineering Technology

In the realm of biotechnology, Cytosurge AG has made groundbreaking strides with its CellEDIT Workflow, which is based on its proprietary FluidFM® Technology. This innovative workflow has recently received validation in a peer-reviewed publication, marking a significant milestone in the field of cell engineering.

The CellEDIT Service offered by Cytosurge represents a novel approach that leverages FluidFM-mediated intranuclear nanoinjection of CRISPR/Cas9 components into single cells. This process allows for precise control over the amount and stoichiometry of RNP complexes, ultimately boosting efficiency, especially when targeting multiple loci simultaneously.

Moreover, the study conducted by Cytosurge demonstrated the preservation of general cell characteristics and functionality post-editing in both single and multiple KO clones in CHO-K1 cells. This highlights the potential of the CellEDIT Workflow to revolutionize the way cell engineering is approached, particularly in biopharmaceutical production.

Validation in Peer-Reviewed Publication

The recent publication of Cytosurge’s CellEDIT Workflow in the Biotechnology Journal showcases the accelerated generation of gene-engineered monoclonal CHO cell lines using FluidFM nanoinjection and CRISPR/Cas9 technology. This proof-of-concept study focused on addressing challenges in glycoengineering by targeting three specific genes in CHO cells, resulting in the creation of monoclonal triple knockout CHO-K1 cell lines.

The utilization of FluidFM for nanoinjection of RNP complexes offered unparalleled control over cargo delivery, leading to enhanced editing efficiency and reduced off-target effects. This validation in a peer-reviewed publication underscores the precision and reliability of Cytosurge’s CellEDIT technology, positioning it as a game-changer in the field of cell engineering.

Pioneering Cell Engineering Solutions

Cytosurge AG’s commitment to advancing single-cell biopsies and cell engineering solutions is evident in the development of the CellEDIT Workflow. By enabling researchers to deliver CRISPR components directly into single-cell nuclei with unprecedented precision, this technology opens up new possibilities for gene editing in cellular models.

With a focus on generating high-quality genetically engineered cell lines, Cytosurge’s CellEDIT Service offers researchers a cutting-edge tool for fundamental research, disease modeling, and drug discovery. The compatibility of engineered CHO cells with industry-recommended medium further emphasizes the potential of this technology to drive innovation in biopharmaceutical production and beyond.

In conclusion, Cytosurge’s CellEDIT Workflow, validated in a peer-reviewed publication, represents a significant advancement in cell engineering technology, with far-reaching implications for the future of biopharmaceutical production and cellular analysis. This groundbreaking innovation is poised to revolutionize the way researchers approach gene editing and cellular modeling, opening up new avenues for scientific discovery and advancement.