
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel is set to address a divided Congress in the face of growing tensions and boycotts from some Democrats. The absence of Vice President Kamala Harris and other Democratic leaders will be noticeable during his speech, highlighting the deep anger within the party’s base over his handling of the war against Hamas.

The rifts within Congress, especially among Democrats, will be on full display as Netanyahu seeks to strengthen bipartisan support for Israel. His visit comes at a crucial time when the party is trying to unite around Harris as a potential presidential nominee. However, her decision to skip the event due to a scheduling conflict reflects the underlying divisions within the party regarding Israel’s actions in the conflict with Hamas.

Speaker Mike Johnson’s warning of potential arrests for disruptions during the speech underscores the heightened tensions surrounding Netanyahu’s address. The fact that some Democratic seats will remain empty serves as a symbol of the party’s disapproval of the Israeli government’s actions.

Despite Netanyahu’s efforts to emphasize bipartisan support for Israel, the reality is that his visit will bring to the forefront the deep-seated disagreements and criticisms within Congress. The controversy surrounding his speech reflects the broader debate within the United States about its relationship with Israel and the ongoing conflict in the Middle East.

As Netanyahu prepares to address Congress, the reactions and responses from lawmakers will be closely watched to gauge the extent of the divisions and the impact of his speech on future relations between the two countries. The boycotts and empty seats serve as a reminder of the challenges in finding common ground on issues related to Israel and the Middle East.