resim 453
resim 453

It is now a certainty: the pension reform will indeed come into force soon. If everything goes as planned, the effective date is therefore set for September 1st with, in this interval, the publication of new decrees. It could therefore be that the progressive retirement system will undergo some modifications, in particular for civil servants, who should have access to it. We take stock for you.

For the French, the date of September 1 is already a major objective with, for some, a source of anxiety and two additional years of work on the clock. While the pension funds are agitated in order to launch the calculations in time, many future retirees are worried about whether or not they will be affected by the postponement of the legal retirement age. During this time, it is the whole system of progressive retirement, which should experience a major upheaval with an opening to civil servants.

As a reminder, progressive retirement concerns workers who decide, from the age of 60, to switch to a part-time activity, while receiving part of their pension. For the time being, the system does not specifically attract the French, who are only, according to figures from the National Old Age Insurance Fund (Cnav), 24,237 employees to benefit from it. This possibility is, for the moment, only open to private sector employees, who work on a daily basis.

In order to find a real echo among workers, the pension reform will therefore be extended from September to civil servants, public service contract workers and self-employed workers. Among the list of new rules, the silence of the employer, following a request for progressive retirement, will now be received as an acceptance and no longer a refusal.

As revealed by Capital, the age of access to the device will also be raised at the same rate as the legal age, from 60 to 62 years old. For example, if you were born between September 1 and December 31, 1961, you will no longer be able to take gradual retirement at age 60 but at age 60 and 3 months.

For civil servants, it is notified that when the retirement pension is definitively liquidated, the civil servant must benefit from a part-time authorization which cannot be less than half-time. The forthcoming decree also provides that gradual retirement will be authorized “subject to the requirements of the continuity and operation of the service”.

With regard to future steps, the decree requires that the progressive retirement be sent to the employer by registered letter, with acknowledgment of receipt. It must be sent at least two months before the departure date and the employer has the same time to respond.