
Princess of Wales Regrets Missing Irish Guards Parade, Sends Heartfelt Apology

The Princess of Wales, Catherine, expressed her regret for missing the Irish guards’ parade and trooping the colour event in a heartfelt letter to the regiment. Despite undergoing chemotherapy for a cancer diagnosis, Catherine extended her best wishes and luck to the regiment, emphasizing her pride in their dedication and hard work.

The colonel’s review parade rehearsal for trooping the colour, a longstanding tradition, was held in central London on Saturday. Catherine, who serves as the colonel of the regiment, was unable to attend due to her ongoing medical treatment. However, she made sure to convey her admiration and support to the guards through a letter that was read out to them.

In the letter, Catherine acknowledged the efforts of the regiment in preparing for the parade, highlighting the months of practice and attention to detail that goes into ensuring a flawless performance. She expressed her deep regret at not being able to take the salute at this year’s colonel’s review but reassured the guards of her continued commitment to her role as their colonel.

The Irish guards, deeply moved by Catherine’s message, shared a video of the letter being read to the regiment, expressing their gratitude and well wishes for her recovery. The letter concluded with the poignant Latin phrase “quis separabit”, symbolizing the bond between the British army and its members.

As the trooping the colour parade approaches, Catherine will be represented at the colonel’s review by Gen James Bucknall, who will step in as the chief inspecting officer in her absence. Despite the uncertainty surrounding her attendance at the parade, Catherine’s resilience and grace in the face of adversity have been a source of inspiration to many.

In a recent update on her condition, the Prince of Wales shared that Catherine is “doing well” in her treatment, while she herself has expressed gratitude for the overwhelming support she has received since revealing her cancer diagnosis. The news of her illness came as a shock to many, but Catherine’s courage and strength continue to shine through in her actions and words.