
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has officially filed the necessary paperwork in Pennsylvania to be included on the ballot for the upcoming presidential election in November. This move was made well before the August 1 deadline, according to the Pennsylvania elections office.

Pennsylvania is considered a crucial battleground state in the 2024 presidential election, and Kennedy’s candidacy could potentially complicate the campaigns of both President Biden and former President Donald Trump. Recent polls have shown that Kennedy has garnered around 10% support nationally, with some polls indicating numbers as high as 15%.

There is ongoing debate among political strategists about whether Kennedy’s unexpected appeal to voters disillusioned with the two major parties will siphon votes away from Trump or Biden. His independent candidacy has the potential to influence the outcome in states where the two major parties are closely contested.

Despite his growing support, Kennedy did not meet the requirements to participate in the first presidential debate of the 2024 election cycle, which was hosted by CNN. The network stated that Kennedy fell short of the necessary 15% threshold in three national polls and had not qualified for enough state ballots to reach the 270 electoral college votes needed.

Kennedy, however, claims to have met the ballot requirements in 22 different states, although not all states have publicly confirmed this information. In response to his exclusion from the debate stage, Kennedy criticized Presidents Biden and Trump for allegedly orchestrating his absence, calling it “undemocratic, un-American, and cowardly.”

As the 2024 election season progresses, Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s independent candidacy continues to capture attention and raise questions about its potential impact on the race. With Pennsylvania being a key battleground state, his presence on the ballot adds a new dimension to an already complex and closely contested election.