
In the fast-paced world we live in, finding time for affection in relationships can sometimes be a challenge. Mitchell Katz, a busy physician and CEO of NYC Health & Hospitals, shares his unique way of showing love to his husband, Igael. Despite their hectic schedules, Mitchell and Igael practice “microaffection” by taking advantage of the short moments it takes to warm coffee or heat dinner to hug and kiss each other. This simple act of love, done in just a few minutes, helps them stay connected in their busy lives.

On the other hand, Cleola Payne reflects on a past relationship that was filled with passion and exploration. Despite their differences, Cleola and her partner shared unforgettable moments like floating off the Panamanian coast and cooking Creole food together. However, their passionate but tumultuous relationship eventually came to an end. Through this experience, Cleola learned the importance of giving and receiving love, ultimately leading to her own personal growth and liberation.

These two stories remind us that love comes in many forms and can be expressed in the smallest of gestures. Whether it’s a quick hug in front of the microwave or a transformative experience on a remote island, love has the power to shape and change us. In a world that often values perfection, embracing imperfection in relationships can lead to deeper connections and personal growth.

Finding time for love and affection in our busy lives may seem challenging, but as Mitchell and Cleola’s stories show, it’s the simple moments of connection that truly matter. In a world where everything moves quickly, taking the time to show love and appreciation to our partners can make all the difference. So, whether it’s through “microaffection” or grand gestures, let’s embrace the imperfections in our relationships and cherish the moments of love and connection that come our way.