
Ann Lewis proudly holds her dog, Wild Thang, after he emerged victorious in the World’s Ugliest Dog Contest at the Marin-Sonoma County Fair. The competition took place on Friday, and Wild Thang finally claimed the coveted title of the “World’s Ugliest Dog” after five attempts. The judges were captivated by his unique appearance, with his lolling pink tongue, wide glittering eyes, and long, frizzy brown-and-white fur.

The 8-year-old Pekingese from Oregon has certainly earned his place in the spotlight with his undeniable charm and resilience, as acknowledged by the competition organizers. Wild Thang’s journey to success was not without challenges, as he battled distemper as a puppy, a serious illness that left him permanently affected. His teeth did not grow in properly, causing his tongue to always stick out, and his right front leg is in a constant paddling motion.

Despite his difficult start in life, Wild Thang is described as a healthy, happy, and “Glugly” (glamorous/ugly) guy who adores people, other dogs, and his toys. In addition to his newfound fame as the World’s Ugliest Dog, Wild Thang is also a champion for causes that are dear to him. He has actively participated in fundraising efforts to rescue his fellow Pekingese dogs in Ukraine from the war zone, already saving seven of them.

This heartwarming story of Wild Thang’s journey to success serves as a reminder that beauty comes in all shapes and forms. Through his perseverance, resilience, and commitment to helping others, Wild Thang has captured the hearts of many and inspired others to embrace their uniqueness.

The World’s Ugliest Dog Contest is not just a platform to showcase unconventional beauty but also an opportunity to celebrate individuality and the special bond between humans and their pets. Wild Thang’s story is a testament to the power of love, compassion, and the incredible impact that animals can have on our lives.

As we celebrate Wild Thang’s well-deserved victory, let his story serve as a reminder that true beauty shines from within, and sometimes, it’s the most unconventional and unexpected things that capture our hearts the most.