
A high-level meeting that was planned between U.S. and Israeli officials regarding Iran’s nuclear program has been canceled. This decision came after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu criticized the lack of U.S. military aid. Netanyahu’s comments were made public in a pre-recorded video where he expressed his disappointment in the recent lack of military support from the U.S. to Israel.

According to a source from Fox News, the meeting was canceled following Netanyahu’s remarks. However, a White House official stated that the plans for the meeting are still in progress and have not been fully finalized. Despite the cancellation of the high-level meeting, other meetings about aid distribution and coordination are still scheduled to proceed.

The canceled meeting was supposed to address new revelations about Iran’s nuclear program, particularly concerning a computer modeling program that Iran has obtained. This program could potentially be used to assist in the development of nuclear weapons. The intentions behind Iran’s acquisition of this program remain unclear, with officials having differing opinions on whether it poses a threat or not.

Richard Goldberg, a senior adviser at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, believes that Netanyahu’s video sheds light on the Biden administration’s policies. He expressed concerns about the extent of the U.S.’s withholding of essential munitions that Israel needs for its defense. Goldberg also suggested that President Biden’s actions could be seen as aligning with Iran against Israel.

Despite the canceled meeting, ongoing discussions between Israel and the U.S. continue at various levels, according to a spokesman for the Prime Minister’s Office. It was reported that some Israeli officials were already en route to the U.S. when they were informed of the meeting’s cancellation.

Netanyahu’s video referenced a conversation he had with Secretary of State Antony Blinken during Blinken’s recent trip to Israel. Netanyahu expressed his gratitude for U.S. support but also voiced his concerns about the withholding of weapons and ammunition in recent months.

The situation surrounding the canceled meeting highlights the complex relationship between the U.S. and Israel, particularly regarding military aid and the Iranian nuclear program. As tensions continue to rise in the Middle East, the decisions made by both countries will have significant implications for regional stability and security.