
The presidential campaign is at a standstill, with nothing seeming to impact the race at this point. Despite Trump’s past legal issues and Biden’s son’s controversies, nothing has been able to significantly sway the race. This stagnant state of affairs is particularly troubling for Joe Biden, who is facing low approval ratings and a challenging path to victory.

While debates can often make or break a campaign, they may be Biden’s last chance to turn the tide in his favor. Trump’s lead in key battleground states has remained consistent, leaving little room for error for Biden. The upcoming debates will be crucial for him to make a strong impression and potentially change the course of the election.

However, the expectations for Biden have been set so low by the Trump campaign that simply avoiding major mistakes could be seen as a victory. The debate rules, including two-minute answers and muting the opponent’s microphone, may also work in Trump’s favor. Despite the importance of debates, their impact on the final outcome of an election can sometimes be overrated.

The pressure is on Biden to show that he is aggressive, knowledgeable, and capable of leading the country. Trump, on the other hand, is taking a more relaxed approach to debate preparation and is likely to be supported by his base regardless of his performance. With most Americans already having made up their minds about the candidates, changing opinions at this stage of the race will be challenging.

In addition to the debates, the selection of a vice-presidential candidate may have some impact on the election. However, the top of the ticket is ultimately what drives voters’ decisions. Trump’s recent criticisms of Milwaukee, the host city for the upcoming convention, and his attempts to portray Biden as mentally unfit for office highlight the intense scrutiny both candidates are under.

Despite the media’s speculation about a potential Trump victory, Biden still has a chance to shift the narrative in his favor. The New York Times’ investigative piece on preparations for a second Trump term underscores the concerns many have about the future of American democracy under his leadership. Biden must use the upcoming debate to make a strong impression and gain momentum in the race before it’s too late.