Disgusting incident at Rewe. A mouse was spotted in a branch in Cologne-Longerich on Tuesday morning. A customer observed the incident.

“I was in Rewe to buy a roll from the bakery department. Suddenly I saw a mouse nibbling on a muffin in the bakery section,” the witness told “Bild”.

In her dismay, the customer grabbed her cell phone, took a photo and filmed the animal. In a mixture of shock and disgust, she reported the unpleasant incident to the staff, whereupon an employee cleaned the muffin shelf.

Apparently this is not an isolated case. The supermarket reacted relatively calmly to the mouse alarm.

A Rewe spokesperson told Bild: “Mice are ubiquitous in large cities like Cologne (widespread, ed.). Against this background, our stores are regularly inspected by internal and external specialists and, if necessary, control measures permitted for grocery stores are carried out. In the case you mentioned, measures have already been initiated, which are consistently monitored and, if necessary, adjusted.”

This text from the Kölner Express was created with the support of artificial intelligence (AI) and edited and checked by the editorial team (Matthias Trzeciak). More about the Express rules for dealing with AI can be found here.

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The original of this article “Rewe customer sees mouse nibbling on muffin, supermarket spokesman: Not an isolated case” comes from Express.de.