A shocking event unfolded at the In the Game arcade in Peabody, Massachusetts, during a New Year’s Eve celebration. As families gathered for a “Noon Year’s Eve” party, a plastic Lego display holding balloons for a drop collapsed from a mezzanine level, injuring multiple people. The Peabody Police Department confirmed the incident on Facebook, highlighting the chaos that ensued.
The Collapse
Peabody Fire Chief John Dowling revealed that a call reporting a partial ceiling collapse at the arcade came in just after noon. Emergency crews rushed to the scene, only to find that it was not a ceiling collapse but a 12-foot-tall Lego display that had fallen onto a group of attendees during the balloon drop gone wrong. The balloons were meant to be released from the display as part of the festivities, but a sudden tug caused the structure to topple over.
Injuries and Response
Ten individuals suffered minor injuries in the incident, with eight requiring hospital treatment. Among the injured were three adults and five children, mostly with cuts and scrapes. Despite the chaos and confusion that followed, the arcade was temporarily closed as a precaution before reopening shortly after the incident.
Eyewitness Account
Lawren Turco, who was present at the event with her family, described the scene as “pure chaos.” She recounted how the balloon drop proceeded without any sign of trouble, only for the aftermath to reveal the true extent of the situation. Turco mentioned the scattered Lego pieces, crying children, and people seeking medical attention, painting a vivid picture of the aftermath.
The arcade is currently cooperating with authorities as investigations continue into the cause of the Lego display collapse. This unforeseen turn of events serves as a stark reminder of the importance of safety measures during public gatherings and celebrations. As families reflect on the incident, questions arise about the potential risks associated with seemingly harmless activities. Stay tuned for updates on the situation as more details emerge.