resim 123
resim 123

With the pension reform proposed by the government, hardship at work has again become a major subject, a pretext for debates and adjustments for future retirees. Indeed, hardship at work must be compensated by the employer, depending on the conditions, sometimes very difficult, experienced by the employee. Since 2014, this employer’s obligation has seen the birth of the personal hardship prevention account (C3P) in 2014, which has become the professional prevention account (C2P) since the Labor Law of 2017. Therefore, is it possible to transform the hardship points into quarters for his retirement?

The professional prevention account, created in 2014, is used to help employees exposed to difficult jobs so that they can move towards other professions. It also generates changes for companies, which must improve their working conditions. In the program, retirement benefits are also part of this system. This account is thus supplied with points, according to the criteria of arduousness.

Points can have four different uses. They can, in fact, be used to finance vocational training to reorient oneself towards another profession not exposed or less exposed to occupational risk factors. They also have the opportunity to be employed to finance a part-time transition or even to retire earlier and thus benefit from an increase in the insurance period.

Different hardship criteria have been used since 2015 in order to benefit from a professional prevention account. Night work is thus one of these important factors, as well as work in alternating successive shifts. Repetitive assembly line work, lasting at least 900 hours a year, is also on the agenda, as is work in a hyperbaric environment, that is to say under high pressure.

Two factors have been added since July 1, 2016, namely working in extreme temperatures, 5 degrees and below or 30 degrees and above, for, again, 900 hours per year. Work exposed to noise of at least 81 decibels was also considered for a period of at least 600 hours per year.

Your hardship points can be used in different ways. They thus have the possibility of being converted into quarters of retirement, at the rate of one quarter for 10 points, within the limit of eight quarters. These quarters increase your duration of insurance and allow you to reach the conditions of the full rate earlier or to increase your full rate.

Each quarter of increase also lowers your minimum retirement age. You can therefore leave up to two years before the legal age of departure. If you started working before the age of 21, these quarters of increase also count in your contribution period for the calculation of your pension rights.