
In 1977, Ronald Reagan expressed his straightforward approach to dealing with the Soviet Union: “We win, and they lose.” Fast forward to 2022, Joe Biden has positioned his presidency as a battle against authoritarianism, both domestically and internationally. However, his strategy seems to focus more on managing threats rather than decisively defeating them.

When it comes to international conflicts, Biden has taken a cautious approach. While he has provided Ukraine with weapons to defend itself against Russia, he has been hesitant to supply the necessary military support to reclaim its territory. Similarly, his stance on Israel’s right to self-defense has shifted towards a ceasefire that effectively preserves Hamas’s power.

On the issue of Iran’s nuclear ambitions, Biden has vowed to prevent them from acquiring nuclear weapons. However, his response to Iran’s lack of cooperation with international inspectors has been tempered, opting for diplomatic measures over strong action. Moreover, his commitment to defending Taiwan is undermined by stagnant military spending and China’s growing naval capabilities.

Turning to domestic challenges, Biden is facing criticism for his handling of threats posed by internal adversaries, such as those who incited violence to overturn the election results. His approval rating is at a low point, comparable to past one-term presidents like Jimmy Carter and George H.W. Bush.

In light of these challenges, it is clear that Biden needs tangible victories to bolster his presidency. The question remains: who in his administration is actively strategizing to deliver those wins? As Biden faces mounting pressures both at home and abroad, the urgency for effective leadership and decisive actions grows.

It is crucial for the Biden administration to reevaluate its approach to governance and prioritize concrete achievements over mere token gestures. The future of his presidency hinges on the ability to confront and overcome the myriad challenges facing the nation and the world. As the world watches, the most courageous action Joe Biden can take is to rise to the occasion and lead with purpose and resolve.