
Agostina Rubini Medina, a 24-year-old student, met a tragic end during a night out with friends in Palma, Majorca. After being missing for nearly three weeks, the police believe she fell into a garbage bin while trying to retrieve something, possibly her cellphone, and lost consciousness. Subsequently, she was dumped into a garbage truck, crushed by the compactor, and ultimately incinerated at a waste disposal plant.

Witnesses reported seeing her handbag and blouse by a large garbage bin before workers emptied it, indicating the series of events that led to her untimely death. Her phone’s tracking data aligned with the path taken by the garbage truck, supporting the theory that she perished in the truck before reaching the plant.

Authorities discovered human skeletal remains at the incinerator plant and have sent them for DNA testing to confirm if they belong to Medina. Described as a thin woman with a low alcohol tolerance who was on medication, her vulnerability likely contributed to the tragic outcome of that fateful night.

The details of this terrible incident serve as a sobering reminder of the dangers that can arise from seemingly harmless situations. It highlights the importance of staying vigilant and cautious, especially while under the influence of alcohol or medication. Medina’s story is a heartbreaking one, and it underscores the need for increased awareness and safety measures, particularly when enjoying a night out with friends. Let us keep her memory alive by learning from this tragedy and taking steps to prevent similar occurrences in the future.